Welcome to the Rhombus Room!

Rhombus Club is an early education math program. In the Rhombus Room, parents, educators, and administrators can share ideas, tools, research and policy information, and resources that lead to the betterment of math education and enjoyment.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Simon Says with Dice

One of the favorite games of Rhombus Kids is the Simon Says Dice Game.   Here's how to play:

Divide the group into two groups, each group getting a different color soft dice (like those pictured).  Let one member of each group roll their dice.  What number is showing on the blue dice?  What number is showing on the red dice?  Which one is more?   The roller of the highest number gets to choose an activity for the entire group to do that number of times.  Of course, if they roll the same number, then they roll again.  For instance, if blue had the highest roll with a five, then the roller of the blue dice can be Simon and ask everyone to do five jumping jacks.  Everyone must count them out loud as they do them!  Make sure everyone gets a turn to roll, and remember, there is no winner or loser, only higher and lower.

Parents, this is a great rainy day activity that you can play with your child at home.

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